
The steps described in this section are performed for each node regardless of its type.


The system is provisioned with the tool of choice.


  • Add the node to the hosts inventory file. As ansible_host use the management IP address.

    testbed-node-2.osism.local ansible_host=
  • Add the network configuration to the node vars file inventory/host_vars/testbed-node-2.osism.local.yml.


Prepare the node for the bootstrap. This will add a operator user, will prepare the network configuration, and will reboot the system to change the network configuration.


Of course it is also possible to add more than one new system at a time. Therefore work with pattern at limit accordingly. See also

  • Depending on the environment you may need to install Python first.


    apt must be usable accordingly. Alternatively install Python already during the provisioning of the node.

    $ osism-generic python3 \
        --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local \
        -u ubuntu \
        --ask-pass \
  • Creation of the necessary operator user

    $ osism-generic operator \
        --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local \
        -u ubuntu \
        --ask-pass \
  • Configuration of the network

    $ osism-generic network \
        --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local
    • The network configuration already present on a system should be saved before this step.

    • We are currently still using /etc/network/interfaces. Therefore rename all files below /etc/netplan to X.unused.

      The default file 01-netcfg.yaml with the following content can remain as it is.

      # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
      # For more information, see netplan(5).
        version: 2
        renderer: networkd
  • A reboot is performed to activate and test the network configuration. The reboot must be performed before the bootstrap is performed.

    $ osism-generic reboot \
        --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local
  • Check if system is reachable

    $ osism-generic ping --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local
  • Refresh facts.

    $ osism-generic facts
  • Bootstrap the node.

    $ osism-generic bootstrap --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local
  • Further reboot of the node

    $ osism-generic reboot --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local

Update hosts file

After adding a new node, the /etc/hosts file on all nodes must be updated.

$ osism-generic hosts

Deploy common services

  • Common services

    $ osism-kolla deploy common --limit testbed-node-2.osism.local