
Node reboot

  1. Disable rebalancing temporarily

    $ ceph osd set noout
    noout is set
    $ ceph osd set norebalance
    norebalance is set
    $ ceph -s
        id:     xxx
        health: HEALTH_WARN
                noout,norebalance flag(s) set
  2. Reboot the node

    $ sudo reboot
  3. When the reboot is complete enable cluster rebalancing again

    $ ceph osd unset noout
    noout is unset
    $ ceph osd unset norebalance
    norebalance is unset
    $ ceph -s
        id:     xxx
        health: HEALTH_OK

Cluster start and stop


Ensure that any services/clients using Ceph are stopped and that the cluster is in a healthy state.

  1. Set OSD flags

    $ ceph osd set noout
    $ ceph osd set nobackfill
    $ ceph osd set norecover
    $ ceph osd set norebalance
    $ ceph osd set nodown
    $ ceph osd set pause
    $ ceph -s
        health: HEALTH_WARN
                pauserd,pausewr,nodown,noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover flag(s) set
        osd: x osds: y up, z in
             flags pauserd,pausewr,nodown,noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover
  2. Stop the management services (manager, mds, ..) (node by node)

    $ sudo systemctl stop ceph-mgr\*.service
  3. Stop the osd services (node by node)

    $ sudo systemctl stop ceph-osd\*.service
  4. Stop the monitor service (node by node)

    $ sudo systemctl stop ceph-mon\*.service


  1. Start the monitor services (node by node)

    $ sudo systemctl start ceph-mon\*.service
  2. Start the osd services (node by node)

    $ systemctl start ceph-osd@DEVICE.service
  3. Start the management services (manager, mds, ..) (node by node)

    $ sudo systemctl start ceph-mgr\*.service
  4. Unset OSD flags

    $ ceph osd unset pause
    $ ceph osd unset nodown
    $ ceph osd unset norebalance
    $ ceph osd unset norecover
    $ ceph osd unset nobackfill
    $ ceph osd unset noout


$ sudo systemctl status ceph\*.service
$ ceph -s
    id:     x
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum A,B,C
    mgr: A(active), standbys: B, C
    mds: cephfs-0/0/1 up
    osd: x osds: y up, z in

    pools:   7 pools, 176 pgs
    objects: 2816 objects, 18856 MB
    usage:   69132 MB used, 44643 GB / 44711 GB avail
    pgs:     176 active+clean

Deep scrub distribution

  • Distribution per weekday:

    $ for date in $(ceph pg dump | grep active | awk '{ print $20 })'; do date +%A -d $date; done | sort | uniq -c
  • Distribution per hours:

    $ for date in $(ceph pg dump | grep active | awk '{ print $21 }'); do date +%H -d $date; done | sort | uniq -c

Set the number of placement groups

$ ceph osd pool set {pool-name} pg_num {pg_num}
set pool x pg_num to {pg_num}
$ ceph osd pool set {pool-name} pgp_num {pgp_num}
set pool x pgp_num to {pgp_num}

The new number of PGs should also be updated in environments/ceph/configuration.yml.

1 pools have many more objects per pg than average

# custom

    mon pg warn max object skew: 0


  • Ceph daemons are configured to log to the console instead of log files. OSDs are configured to log to MONs.

    $ docker logs ceph-mon-ceph01
  • Logs can become very big. docker logs provides some useful parameters to only show newest logs and to see new log messages when they appear.

    $ docker logs --tail 100 --follow ceph-mon-ceph01

Add new OSD

  • Add the new device to the devices list in the inventory of the corresponding host

  • Execute osism-ceph osds -l HOST on the manager node

Remove OSD

  • Determine the OSD ID for the OSD to be removed

    dragon@testbed-manager:~$ ceph osd tree
    -1       0.03918 root default
    -3       0.01959     host testbed-node-0
     1   hdd 0.00980         osd.1               up  1.00000 1.00000
     3   hdd 0.00980         osd.3               up  1.00000 1.00000
    -5       0.01959     host testbed-node-1
     0   hdd 0.00980         osd.0               up  1.00000 1.00000
     2   hdd 0.00980         osd.2               up  1.00000 1.00000
  • Determine the block device serverd by the OSD

    dragon@testbed-node-0:~$ docker exec -it ceph-osd-3 ls -la /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-3/block
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 ceph ceph 92 Apr  2 15:10 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-3/block -> /dev/ceph-f27fa071-baa4-4ee5-ba26-3b8a5d7231ec/osd-data-e5d0fe7f-c7dd-443d-9630-bf54ffba443e
    dragon@testbed-node-0:~$ docker exec -it ceph-osd-3 lvs -o +devices
      LV                                            VG                                        Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices
      osd-data-c5c106dd-7461-40ad-b5cc-28137fb639fc ceph-01de26c3-61fb-4f6c-9fb9-1f3cdfcba444 -wi-ao---- <10.00g                                                     /dev/sdb(0)
      osd-data-e5d0fe7f-c7dd-443d-9630-bf54ffba443e ceph-f27fa071-baa4-4ee5-ba26-3b8a5d7231ec -wi-ao---- <10.00g                                                     /dev/sdc(0)
  • Remove the device from the devices list in the inventory of the corresponding host

  • Mark the OSD as out

    dragon@testbed-manager:~$ ceph osd out osd.3
    marked out osd.3.
  • Stop the ceph-osd service on the storage node where it is running

    dragon@testbed-node-0:~$ sudo systemctl disable --now ceph-osd@3
  • Make sure it is safe to remove the osd

    dragon@testbed-manager:~$ ceph osd safe-to-destroy osd.3
    OSD(s) 3 are safe to destroy without reducing data durability.
  • Purge the OSD

    dragon@testbed-manager:~$ ceph osd purge osd.3 --yes-i-really-mean-it
    purged osd.3
  • Verify the OSD is removed from the node in the CRUSH map

    dragon@testbed-manager:~$ ceph osd tree
    -1       0.02939 root default
    -3       0.00980     host testbed-node-0
     1   hdd 0.00980         osd.1               up  1.00000 1.00000
    -5       0.01959     host testbed-node-1
     0   hdd 0.00980         osd.0               up  1.00000 1.00000
     2   hdd 0.00980         osd.2               up  1.00000 1.00000
  • Zap the block device

    dragon@testbed-node-0:~$ sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sdc
    Creating new GPT entries.
    GPT data structures destroyed! You may now partition the disk using fdisk or
    other utilities.

Replace defect OSD

  • Locate defect OSD

    $ ceph osd metadata osd.22
      "bluefs_slow_dev_node": "sdk",
      "hostname": "ceph04",
    $ ssh ceph04
    $ dmesg -T | grep sdk | grep -i error
      blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sdk, sector 7501476358
      Buffer I/O error on dev sdk1, logical block 7470017030, async page read
      blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sdk, sector 7501476359
      Buffer I/O error on dev sdk1, logical block 7470017031, async page read
  • Find and replace actual hardware

    $ sudo udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sdk
    $ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdk
  • disable defect OSD/disk

    $ ceph osd out 22
    $ sudo systemctl stop ceph-osd@sdk.service
    $ ceph osd purge osd.22
  • Prepare new OSD

    $ docker start -ai ceph-osd-prepare-ceph04-sdk
    $ sudo systemctl start ceph-osd@sdk.service
  • Add OSD to tree

    $ ceph osd df tree
                7.4       -  3709G  2422G  1287G 65.30 1.06  hdd ceph04-hdd
        hdd     3.7       0      0      0      0     0    0        osd.22
        hdd     3.7 1.00000  3709G  2422G  1287G 65.30 1.08        osd.6
        hdd     0.0       0      0      0      0     0    0 osd.27
    $ ceph osd crush create-or-move osd.22 3.7 hdd=ceph04-hdd
    $ ceph osd df tree
                7.4       -  3709G  2422G  1287G 65.30 1.06  hdd ceph04-hdd
        hdd     3.7 1.00000  3709G      0  3709G     0    0        osd.22
        hdd     3.7 1.00000  3709G  2422G  1287G 65.30 1.08        osd.6

Add new pool

$ ceph osd pool create sample 32 32
pool 'sample' created
$ ceph osd pool application enable sample rbd
enabled application 'rbd' on pool 'sample'
$ ceph auth get client.cinder
   key = ...
   caps mon = "allow r"
   caps osd = "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rx pool=images"
exported keyring for client.cinder
$ ceph auth caps client.cinder mon 'allow r' osd 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=backups, allow rwx pool=sample'
updated caps for client.cinder
$ ceph auth get client.nova
   key = ...
   caps mon = "allow r"
   caps osd = "allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=backups"
exported keyring for client.nova
$ ceph auth caps client.nova mon 'allow r' osd 'allow class-read object_prefix rbd_children, allow rwx pool=images, allow rwx pool=vms, allow rwx pool=volumes, allow rwx pool=backups, allow rwx pool=sample'
updated caps for client.nova

Export image

$ rbd export --pool=volumes volume-035f3636-ad68-4562-88f5-11d7e295d03e /home/dragon/035f3636-ad68-4562-88f5-11d7e295d03e.img
$ docker cp cephclient_cephclient_1:/home/dragon/035f3636-ad68-4562-88f5-11d7e295d03e.img /tmp
$ docker exec -it cephclient_cephclient_1 rm -f /home/dragon/035f3636-ad68-4562-88f5-11d7e295d03e.img
$ rm -f /tmp/035f3636-ad68-4562-88f5-11d7e295d03e.img

Repair PGs

  • Health of Ceph cluster

$ sudo ceph status
    id:     0155072f-6a71-4f5c-8967-f86e5307033f
    health: HEALTH_ERR
            4 scrub errors
            Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent

$ sudo ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 4 scrub errors; Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent
OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS 4 scrub errors
PG_DAMAGED Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent
    pg 54.76 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [39,6,15]
  • Repair the PG

$ sudo ceph pg repair 54.76
instructing pg 54.76 on osd.39 to repair
  • give the Ceph cluster some time for repair and check health

$ sudo ceph health detail

$ sudo ceph status
    id:     0155072f-6a71-4f5c-8967-f86e5307033f
    health: HEALTH_OK

Rebalance the cluster

  1. Test what OSDs would be affected by teh reweight

$ sudo ceph osd test-reweight-by-utilization
no change
moved 6 / 4352 (0.137868%)
avg 51.8095
stddev 12.3727 -> 12.3621 (expected baseline 7.15491)
min osd.10 with 30 -> 30 pgs (0.579044 -> 0.579044 * mean)
max osd.68 with 92 -> 92 pgs (1.77574 -> 1.77574 * mean)

oload 120
max_change 0.05
max_change_osds 4
average_utilization 0.4187
overload_utilization 0.5025
osd.14 weight 0.9500 -> 0.9000
osd.27 weight 0.9500 -> 0.9000
osd.37 weight 0.9500 -> 0.9000
osd.29 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9500
  1. If the OSDs match your “fullest” OSDs execute the reweight

$ sudo ceph osd reweight-by-utilization
no change
moved 6 / 4352 (0.137868%)
avg 51.8095
stddev 12.3727 -> 12.3621 (expected baseline 7.15491)
min osd.10 with 30 -> 30 pgs (0.579044 -> 0.579044 * mean)
max osd.68 with 92 -> 92 pgs (1.77574 -> 1.77574 * mean)

oload 120
max_change 0.05
max_change_osds 4
average_utilization 0.4187
overload_utilization 0.5025
osd.14 weight 0.9500 -> 0.9000
osd.27 weight 0.9500 -> 0.9000
osd.37 weight 0.9500 -> 0.9000
osd.29 weight 1.0000 -> 0.9500
  1. Wait for the cluster to rebalance itself and check disk usage again. Repeat above if necessary

HEALTH_WARN application not enabled on 1 pool(s)

$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN application not enabled on 1 pool(s)
POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED application not enabled on 1 pool(s)
    application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.log'
    use 'ceph osd pool application enable <pool-name> <app-name>', where <app-name> is 'cephfs', 'rbd', 'rgw', or freeform for custom applications.
$ ceph osd pool application enable default.rgw.log rgw
enabled application 'rgw' on pool 'default.rgw.log'

3 monitors have not enabled msgr2

Normal during upgrade from Luminous to Nautilus.

  id:     11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
  health: HEALTH_WARN
          3 monitors have not enabled msgr2

HEALTH_WARN mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim

$ ceph health
HEALTH_WARN mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
$ ceph config set mon auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim false
$ ceph health

Migrate Ceph network

run ceph commands
osism-ceph mons
osism-ceph mgrs
osism-ceph osds

To publish this Ceph network change, you have to reconfigure OpenStack services. Also the cephclient have to have access to the new network, because of the rbd and partly ceph commands.

run OpenStack reconfigure tasks
osism-kolla reconfigure

Monitor Ceph OSD restart

monitor ceph osd restart
watch ceph osd (df) tree