
Bad file format reading the append only file

tail /var/log/kolla/redis/redis.log
7:M 15 Jun 2022 09:20:39.239 * Reading RDB preamble from AOF file...
7:M 15 Jun 2022 09:20:39.240 * Reading the remaining AOF tail...
7:M 15 Jun 2022 09:20:40.215 # Bad file format reading the append only file: make a backup of your AOF file, then use ./redis-check-aof --fix <filename>
docker run -it \
           -v /var/lib/docker/volumes/redis/_data:/var/lib/redis \
           <repository>/osism/redis:<release> bash
redis-check-aof --fix /var/lib/redis/redis-staging-ao.aof
The AOF appears to start with an RDB preamble.
Checking the RDB preamble to start:
[offset 0] Checking RDB file --fix
[offset 26] AUX FIELD redis-ver = '5.0.7'
[offset 40] AUX FIELD redis-bits = '64'
[offset 52] AUX FIELD ctime = '1655208150'
[offset 67] AUX FIELD used-mem = '7538360'
[offset 83] AUX FIELD aof-preamble = '1'
[offset 85] Selecting DB ID 0
[offset 13574] Checksum OK
[offset 13574] \o/ RDB looks OK! \o/
[info] 108 keys read
[info] 105 expires
[info] 105 already expired
RDB preamble is OK, proceeding with AOF tail...
0x         267b799: Expected prefix '*', got: '
AOF analyzed: size=40352407, ok_up_to=40351641, diff=766
This will shrink the AOF from 40352407 bytes, with 766 bytes, to 40351641 bytes
Continue? [y/N]: y
Successfully truncated AOF