
Authentication with OpenID Connect

Authentication with OpenID Connect is possible via Keycloak, which is automatically configured for the OIDC mechanism

OpenStack web dashboard (Horizon) login via OpenID Connect

For logging in via OIDC, open your browser at OpenStack Dashboard Login Page, select Authenticate via Keycloak, after being redirected to the Keycloak login page, perform the login with the credentials alice and password. After that you will be redirected back to the Horizon dashboard, where you will be logged in with the user alice.

OpenStack web dashboard (Horizon) logout

Keep in mind, that clicking Sign Out on the Horizon dashboard currently doesn’t revoke your OIDC token, and any consequent attempt to Authenticate via Keycloak will succeed without providing the credentials.

The expiration time of the Single Sign On tokens can be controlled on multiple levels in Keycloak.

  1. On realm level under Realm Settings > Tokens. Assuming the keycloak_realm ansible variable is the default osism, and keycloak is listening on, then the configuration form is available here:

    Detailed information is available in the Keycloak Server Administrator Documentation Session and Token Timeouts section.

  2. In a realm down on the client level select the client (keystone), and under Settings > Advanced Settings.

    It is recommended to keep the Access Token Lifespan on a relatively low value, with the trend of blocking third party cookies. For further information see the Keycloak documentation’s Browsers with Blocked Third-Party Cookies section.

[TODO] Proper logout.

OpenStack CLI operations with OpenID Connect password

Using the OpenStack cli is also possible via OIDC, assuming you provisioned the user alice with password password, then you can perform a simple project list operation like this:

openstack \
  --os-cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \
  --os-auth-url \
  --os-auth-type v3oidcpassword \
  --os-client-id keystone \
  --os-client-secret 0056b89c-030f-486b-a6ad-f0fa398fa4ad \
  --os-username alice \
  --os-password password \
  --os-identity-provider keycloak \
  --os-protocol openid \
  --os-identity-api-version 3 \
  --os-discovery-endpoint \
project list

OpenStack CLI token issue with OpenID Connect

It is also possible to exchange your username/password to a token, for further use with the cli. The token issue subcommand returns an SQL table, in which the id column’s value field contains the token:

openstack \
  --os-cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \
  --os-auth-url \
  --os-auth-type v3oidcpassword \
  --os-client-id keystone \
  --os-client-secret 0056b89c-030f-486b-a6ad-f0fa398fa4ad \
  --os-username alice \
  --os-password password \
  --os-identity-provider keycloak \
  --os-protocol openid \
  --os-identity-api-version 3 \
  --os-discovery-endpoint \
  --os-openid-scope "openid profile email" \
token issue \
    -c id
    -f value

An example token is like:


OpenStack CLI operations with token


OpenStack CLI token revoke